How can I create an account?

Revision as of 14:08, 10 March 2009 by Shanker (talk | contribs)

Once at, simply click the "Sign Up" button on the top bar to get started.


You will be redirected to:

Signing up is a quick and simple 3 step process.

1. Enter a valid e-mail address. Please choose an active e-mail address not associated with any other existing Viviti account. We do not spam or resell the e-mail addresses given by our members! Alternately, you can use an existing OpenID account by clicking the link below this field. This will require your OpenID identify URL. What is OpenID?.

2. Choose a web address and password for your new web site. This will be your Viviti website address and account password. Please choose a unique Viviti Hostname here. Your password should also be unique. We recommend at least 6 characters with both letters and numbers. A password strength indicator is shown below this box and will assist you in ensuring your password will maintain account security.

3. Click the Create My Site button (this implies that you agree to our Terms of Service).

Your account has been created! Immediately after completing registration, you will be given the ability to select your Theme.

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